Ryan Jones

Put all references within CRM2011 Plugin (1 DLL)

We needed to come up with an alternate solution to ILMerge since we just couldn’t get it to work, or work consistently when creating plugins. We wanted to be able to take 1 .DLL and upload it to th...

CRM2011 Plugin Timeout Troubleshooting

My plugin was set to fire when an update of a drop down happened (it then checks the value and deals with it accordingly). My plugin called an SSRS webservice to generate a report on that same enti...

Tracing error in CRM2011

We recently moved to a new server and I was getting this error: Invalid Trace Directory. Additional Info:[ Unable to Write file , Trace directory not defined (Reporting Process:File Name is Nul...

CRM2011 Tracing Error - SSRS Issue

I was getting this System.Security.SecurityException because my SSRS datasource settings were incorrect: Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationSe...

CRM2011 Generic Plugin Error - "Unexpected error occurred."

I truly hope you don’t end up getting this error: Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Cultur...

Uploading Large CRM 2011 Plugins - Increase CRM 2011 Plugin Upload Size

You may notice that if you try and upload(register) a plugin > 1024 KB you’ll get an error similar to this (sorry for the shoddy formatting): Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.Communica...

Retrieve Statuscode (Status Reason) Label in CRM2011

Here’s a quick snippet on how to get the Status Reason from within a CRM 2011 Plugin. The actual behind the scene name for Status reason is “statuscode”. Terminology: Status code value is a numeri...

Creating a Folder on Sharepoint 2010 via Web Service Lists.asmx and UpdateListItems

Quick explanation of how UpdateListItems (sharepoint web service) works when trying to add a folder to a document library. I was using this code from here and I kept getting “Exception of type ‘Mi...

Error installing redcar? Install Java!

Are you receiving this redcar error? Successfully installed redcar-0.11 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for redcar-0.11… Installing RDoc documentation for redcar-0.11… C:\Users...

Best CRM 2011 Bug Found?

NINETY FIVE PERCENT. It’s the magical number that you need to change your zoom (CTRL Mouse Wheel Down) or click the zoom down in the bottom of IE 8. It’ll blow up your tabs and completely KILL you...