Here’s a call to SharePoint 2010 for creating a folder. Note the RootFolder. // Build the CAML Query System.Text.StringBuilder oSb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); oSb.Append(" <Batch OnEr...
Upload a document to Sharepoint 2010 via WebClient
Here’s some code on how to upload a document into Sharepoint 2010. This works accross domains: WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.Credentials = loginCredentials; wc.UploadData(destinationUrl, "PUT"...
Update Custom Columns from SharePoint 2010 via SOAP Web Services - UpdateListItems
Here’s a query to update a file’s custom columns in SharePoint 2010. // Build the CAML Query System.Text.StringBuilder oSb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); oSb.Append(" <Batch OnError=\"Co...
Retrieve document ID from SharePoint 2010 via SOAP Web Services - GetListItems
Get a specific item from a SharePoint 2010 library using GetListItems. // Build the CAML Query System.Text.StringBuilder oSb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); oSb.Append(" <Query>"); oSb...
Delete document from SharePoint 2010 via SOAP Web Services - UpdateListItems
Delete a document from SharePoint 2010. You NEED both the ID and the FileRef. // Delete the sharepoint document System.Text.StringBuilder oSb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); oSb.Append(" <...
Check in a file into SharePoint 2010 via SOAP Web Services – CheckInFile
Checking in a a file into Sharepoint using Lists.asmx. // Check the file in to sharepoint lists.CheckInFile(destinationUrl, "Text for the checkin", "1"); A string representation of the values 0, 1...
Microsoft.Crm.CrmConfigObjectNotFoundException: User Was Not Found
Whenever I ran a report in SSRS I kept getting: Microsoft.Crm.CrmConfigObjectNotFoundException: User Was Not Found It’s weird because I was able to login to CRM with that user account. It tur...
Cannot connect with Document Manager via CRM 2011 to Sharepoint 2010
I recently ran into this error AGAIN while trying to run the Document Manager in CRM 2011: “An error occurred while loading the page. The URL may not have been mapped in the SharePoint Server. Ask ...
Metadata error when setting up the CRM 2011 Email Router
Here’s a new error I ran into when setting up the email router: The E-mail Router Configuration Manager was unable to retrieve user and queue information from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server ...
Approve Email for a CRM 2011 User
I recently ran into this error when setting up an email router: This record will not be processed by the e-mail router until its primary e-mail address has been approved by the system administr...