Home Blog upgrade!

Blog upgrade!

I haven’t been blogging for the past year or so, and I hope to change that soon. I’ve been writing down topics for the past few months, so I plan to pull from that pool for the next while or so.

Technology wise, I decided to drop Wordpress. A couple of friends have had luck with jeykll, octopress and [nanoc]. I ended up choosing octopress, since it has a bunch of beautiful layouts that come along with it.

I also decided on ditching my old host (http://bluehost.com) and moved over to Amazon S3 & Cloudfront. The site is blazing fast now. There are a few tweaks I still need to do (compress assets, html crunch, clean up about page), but I think it should suffice for now.

Here’s the old blog layout:

And the new (which of course you’re looking at ;) ):

[nanoc]: http://nanoc.ws/ “Nanoc

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