Home Changing CRM 2011 Web Services Port via Deployment Manager

Changing CRM 2011 Web Services Port via Deployment Manager

Web services don’t work when we access them from Settings -> Developer Resources! It’s because we changed our port to 85 and we haven’t updated the web services location to 85 (when I changed the bindings)! This means that it’s actually pointing at the Share Point web services (and it bombs out). Open up deployment manager.

Click properties on the right hand side.

Click Web Address up top. Change the port from 80 to 85.

If you still have errors, you might need to delete your bindings off of your website (which is ironic, since I asked you to change localhost to win-b80icqrvluf to fix that problem. I ended up deleting my bindings and everything still worked (so I’m not sure why it ended up fixing the file upload by changing localhost to win-b80icqrvluf, maybe someone out there knows?).

Everything be ready to go now! Install Visual Studio 2010 on your VM (I’ll leave that up to you (for now)!).

Expect more articles regarding development, tips (and probably a rant or two)!

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